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Want to be part of what we do?

There are many ways to be involved, all of which are key to the success of SCES and our projects.


Find out more about our activities below, and get in touch for more information about how we can work together.

Open Orchards

Saving, identifying and sharing Southlands' Heritage fruit trees; Community Heritage Orchard Parks; Pruning and grafting workshops;

Annual Fruit Tree Sale.

Longwood Loop

Re-localising food production and distribution for community resilience and rural economic development.  


Online and physical opportunities for sharing of resources, skills and experiences that support people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. 

Southland Seed Savers Network

Saving and sharing heritage vegetable seeds in Southern NZ; workshops, seed swaps.

Seasonal Festivals

Spring: Bountiful Backyards


Autumn: Heritage Harvest



Forest Gardens

Community Forest Garden open to the public right in the middle of Riverton's town centre! 
Tours of the Guyton's 28 year old Forest Garden by request.

Community Compost

Developing a system for the collection and composting of local food and garden 'wastes' and to turn into a soil and food resource!

An inspirational place to visit! Local and organic foods; plants, seeds and garden products; expert advice and information on sustainability and healthy lifestyles.

Environment Centre

The South Coast Environment Society was formed in 1996 to operate the Environment Centre in Riverton.

Riverton Environment Centre is home to the South Coast Environment Society, which heads a number of community and environment initiatives in the Southland Region of New Zealand.


The Environment Centre is on the main street in Riverton on the Southern Scenic Route, and we provide services to the wider South Coast of New Zealand. The Centre was established to provide a base for and support three existing Riverton environmental groups (Riverton Organic Group, Riverton Organic Food Co-op, and Estuary Care Society) and promote environmental awareness.


Since 1996, the Society has provided constant and reliable management for the Centre, making it the oldest continuously running Environment Centre in New Zealand.



Our programmes also reach people and organisations outside our home area, including overseas. The initial three environmental groups are still going strong, and an impressive array of other projects and initiatives have been able to develop that otherwise would have been difficult to facilitate. 


We are part of Environment Hubs Aotearoa, the national umbrella for local organisations that help people in Aotearoa take practical action in their homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces, and wild places.

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Riverton Environment Centre

154 Palmerston Street, Riverton 9822,

Southland, New Zealand

Phone (03) 234 8717     Email

©2024 by South Coast Environment Society

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